Monday, October 23, 2017

Tyler Quotes June-December 2017

Here are some more happenings that make Tyler, well Tyler. Gotta love that boy! 

Note: "A" is referring to me, Annalisa and "T" is referring to Tyler. If other people make comments on a story it is because I have texted them what he said or did. 

 25- A: You can't do that Tyler. 
      T:  No seriously I can. 
      A: No seriously you can't. 
      Tyra: So seriously, did he? 
      A: Yes. Ugh.

26- Tyler was talking about the "Angel bologna" on the temple. Not sure how he even knows what bologna is. He was worried that the Angel bologna was following him because when were at the temple tonight, from the angle he was at, he thought it looked like it was following him.

Here was his prayer tonight (he was in a hurry to eat): Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for everything, Amen.

Tyler loves to bake. He likes to crack the eggs in the bowl and eat the leftover batter afterwards. Today he said, "I think we should probably just bake brownies." So we did :)

29- Tyler just told me his bed isn't working so he can't lay down on it. He couldn't think of a better excuse to try to avoid a nap I guess. It was a nice try, but didn't work. 

19- Tyler drew on the wall. I told him Roger (our landlord) would kick us out and we would have no where to sleep. He said, "No, we have to sleep in our tent and live there." Not sure he understands camping at Tahoe is a one week deal. 

Tyler was pretending to cook. I asked him what he made. He told me, "Harry Potter." I asked him how he even knew about Harry Potter and he told me it was on the movie "Trolls". I don't remember that being the case.

He also gave me a toy car as a trophy for the best bowling ball.

Tyler: I have to clean the house for when big Tyler comes back. Our house smells like dog poop." Uh rude and wrong!

25- Tyler: "Christy just said, 'I want to do oxy clean.'" Can you tell what he wanted to do?

31- Tyler is putting lotion on his head so he can "go down the water slide". Presumably to make him go faster. Carolyn said, "Sounds about right" and David said, "This is completely in line with everything I know about him. Next he will want to put it on the bottom of the raft he uses to go down the slide."


3- T: Are the dinosaurs coming?

    A: They aren't alive anymore.
    T: Why?
    A: They got hit by a big rock.
    T: Who threw it?
    A: Heavenly Father.
    T: Why?
    A: I don't know.
    Eventually I just had to tell him to stop asking more questions.

11- I had on "Say Yes To The Dress". Emma wants a mermaid style one and Tyler wants a Sebastian one. Haha!

Tyler is such a little liar. When I asked him about his broken night light he said the wind broke it. Must have been some strong wind because not only did it break the light, but it crushed the it.

He didn't want Emma to sleep in the same room as him because she said she would see him. Uh, ok?

When Emma was here she wanted the closet door shut when she went to sleep. Tyler said it was "So no wolves could get them". 

I just got startled. I just finished showering and opened my bedroom door to find Tyler laying on the floor awake. He said he couldn't see in the dark. I put him to bed an hour and a half ago.

16- (10:51 PM) I hear the nerf gun being shot. I guess Tyler isn't asleep yet.

17- Tyler "doesn't know what is making go down and come out of his room" but it "isn't his fault."

21- Ana told Tyler that it will be Christy's birthday first and then Christmas. Ever since then Tyler has been talking about Christmas. He is currently telling Christy that after her birthday Santa will come and bring her lots of presents.

We don't let Tyler watch anything over "TV-Y" rating. Many of the shows he wants to watch are "TV-Y7". He will often weigh himself and ask if he is "Y-7" yet and can watch his bad guy shows like injin (ninja) turtles. If ever he comes in and the show Jeff is watching has any fighting going on Tyler tells Jeff he shouldn't watch bad shows.

27- Tyler wants Jeff to be a green dinosaur or Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. I do too! Haha.

Tyler the Sexist
Tyler is a sexist and it drives me crazy. He thinks there are two categories: baby (girl often falls under this category) and boy. He often will label things that only a "baby" or "boy" can do and uses that to justify his actions or thought process. He will say he and Jeff can do certain things that Christy and I cannot do because we are girls. For example, when we were going to color as a family he brought me a princess coloring book and him and Jeff a car one. One time my friend Meggan Nielson was babysitting Tyler and showed him the barbies in case he wanted to play them. He said they were for girls and did not want to play with them. When she came up stairs and saw him playing with them she said,"Oh you are playing with barbies huh" and he immediately started stammering and making some excuse of why he had just barely picked it up, but wasn't playing with it.

5- Tyler is playing and saying "dinosaur, activate shooting powers" and "No I'll flip him over! No I'll flip your mommy over!" I didn't know we were starting "your momma" insults already.

9- I just got out of the shower when Tyler came up to me, looked under my towel, and said, "Hey why are you naked?" Ok why are you such a creeper?

A: Tyler don't flush the toilet.

T: I didn't.
A: Then why do I hear it running?
T: I went pee pee.
A: You're still wearing your diaper and pants.
T: I did go!
A: Just say you're sorry and won't do it again.
T: Fine, I'm sorry and won't do it again.

His new favorite things to say are: excited, nervous, bad, bad word, and "or whatever".

"Mom are you a little nervous that I am going to win?"
"I'm so excited for this!"
"Mom you're bad! Bad word!"
"Fine, we can just do this or whatever." 

11- He doesn't take naps or go to sleep anymore. He "rests" on his bed.

12- Tyler told me he wanted to switch chairs. I obliged until I saw it was wet. Apparently he accidentally peed on it! Rude!

14- I'm not sure which is the way to tell your child has watched "Pitch Perfect Two" too many times.

1. He quotes lines before they happen.
2. He recognizes the songs on the radio from the movie.
3. He sings "What does love have to do with it".
4. He imitates the accapella beat box noises.

Tyler's not so good at the board game Guess Who. "Does your guy have blue hair? Is your guy a white guy?" By blue hair I think he means black hair and by white guy I think he means white hair, or so I hope at least.

19- Tyler was playing with his friend who is 8. The kid asked to play hangman with Tyler. I told him that Tyler didn't know his letters yet. The kids asked Tyler to name a letter anyways. Tyler said, "One." The kid looked at him, then turned to his brother and asked his brother to name a letter. Haha.

T: Good night sir.

A: Good night ma'm.
T: What? I'm not a lamb, I'm a people!

T: Taco Bell. Taco Bell. Momma I said Taco Bell. I didn't say poo poo.

Anything to work in potty words. Such a boy.  

21- "We should go to the park. That sounds fun." He is always suggesting "fun" things to do.

I was telling him about a lady in our ward that works and he said, "But mommies don't work." I said, "She does." He said, "But you don't." No, no I don't kid. A few days later I tried to explain to him that I do work but he just walked away from the conversation thinking I was babysitting him for his real mom, or something like that. I give up.

He sings "Happy birthday ta ta ta" instead of "cha cha cha".

Rough housing with Jeff, "Get him boys!"

Tyler found last summer's Lighting McQueen sandals and insisted on wearing them. His toes stick over the edge by a couple inches.

He's saying "help" and his echo is saying it back. I told him not to say help unless he means it. He said, "But someone else is saying it too."

23- Tyler reminded me that I forgot to give him ice cream yesterday for his shot. So I gave it to him just now. He made me sing happy birthday to him after I served it to him. But I didn't do it correctly because I left out "ta ta ta" so I had to sing it again. I have created a high maintenance kid.

Tyler calls his forehead his "head butt".

"Those bege-tables (vegetables) is gross. Really really bad."

29- We are going out to eat and Tyler wants a soda. I told him no. He said, "Fine, then if someone brings me water, then I will be bad at there." I told him then he can wait in the car.  After dinner he said if I made him go to bed then he would cry and wake Christy up. Unfortunately, threats are his newest thing since we do them with him.


1- This morning he got mad that I didn't let him put the blue air freshener in my bathroom so he told me "Then I will be bad and break the house." Boy is just asking to be homeless.

12- He just got mad at me and it was funny. I was pushing the stroller and accidentally ran into him because he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He said, "Hey!" I said that he needed to pay attention and he turned to me with angry eyes and said, "No you need to pay attention to me! I was walking!"

A: Tyler do you know what "choose the right" means?

T: No.
A: It means make good choices.
T: I not doing that.
(Ya I've noticed. The thing is, he didn't even hesitate. His immediate and natural reaction was that he wasn't going to do that, "Make good choices? Oh ya I'm not into that."

13- Tyler just threatened me that if I made him go to bed be would "text everyone". So apparently he does know him texting people with my phone does annoy me.

15- T: Ok let's say a personal prayer.

      A: Ok.
      T: But are you really sure about this?
      A: Yes
      T: Thank you for that we could eat, and go to church and help people, and Jesus, and there was a bad witch on Ariel, and I went to Disneyland one time, and I could text Carolyn, and I could relax, and I can go to bed, Amen.

17- Christy woke up sad this morning so I told Tyler he needed to be extra nice. In a sweet voice he said, "Christy, Christy, don't cry. It's me. I your big brother. I your best friend." He often talks sweetly to her, "Christy, are you excited to see me", "Hey beautiful girl", or "Hi sweet girl." Sometimes she's into it and sometimes she's not.

18- Tyler wanted me to ride in the double stroller with Christy and he would push us both. Ya that didn't happen.

He tried to play Transformers with Christy but she had no clue what he was doing.

He said he wanted to be a stick for Halloween.

I was just sleeping and accidentally ran into him and he said, "Watch where you're going kid!"

19- The back porch needed to be hosed off so I made the mistake of letting Tyler help me. Pretty much the only thing not wet was the ground of the back porch; he and I were both soaked, along with the roof, yard toys, and chairs.

We were at Costco and walked by some women's underwear and he said, "Oh girl underwear. Gross!" Such a boy.

Oct 28- He wanted to buy some mini cereal boxes. I told him they were only for camping. He said that we should buy some now to save them for camping. I told him they will make more so we can get them later. He said, "They are making some right now?" I said yes and we moved on. Last time I told him we would come back for something they had sold out of it! I felt so bad. So don't let me down next summer Walmart! 

Oct 27- T: The poopy poopy. 

             A: No.
             T: I said the POPPY POPPY.  
             A: No you didn't. 
             T: Yes I did! 

His new things he likes to call me: Dr. Pepper, Your (Ba)Majesty, Professor. He picked Dr. Pepper up from a commercial. 

Nov 7- T: Bad guy! 

            A: No don't call me bad guy Tyler.
            T: I didn't. I just said, "Bad guy brother!"
            Tarah: Hahaha. What a little liar!
            A: All day long.

Nov 2- Tyler was asking about it snowing in the winter for the past few minutes as we were getting ready to go in the car. He kept asking if it "snowed at winter". I kept repeating not here. Turns out he was asking that because I told him we were going to "Winco" the grocery store. He sure gets thrown off if we shop anywhere but Walmart. The other day we were at TJ Maxx and he asked if it was Walmart. I told him no. He said, "But they have carts." I told him lots of stores did, not just Walmart. 

Nov 8- He sneezed a few times in a row and said "I did a lot of bless yous!"

For the past few weeks Jeff and his family have being doing a family weight loss program so we talk about weight a lot. Today Tyler asked me, "Momma, how much is you down?" Thank goodness I had not eaten breakfast yet so I could say a half a pound. Originally I joined the group but quit after a few weeks. I will start up again once I am done nursing. It is hard for me to try to loose weight while still nursing. 

We had an FHE on the First Thanksgiving. The next morning I wanted to review what Tyler learned so I asked him, "Who was at the First Thanksgiving?" He answered, "Kai and Kel?" Those are two of our neighbor boys who live across the street. He loves them, especially Kai. The three of them are really a trio. Tyler loves to be naughty, Kel loves to encourage it but not do it, and Kai loves try to stop them and to tell. He used to call Kai and his two brothers "Big Kai and Little Kai." He loves to pretend to be them when he plays by himself. He will be devastated when we move soon, and so will I. 

"Hey Dinner Lady, get me food." Uh, boy, you wanna try that again?! 

A: How was the Laker's game with Dad?

T: It was a sloppy game. When we was driving home the police man was hiding to get someone in trouble.

T: Can you hand me my chicken?

A: It's not a chicken it is a turkey. 
T: Oh. Turkey. Ca-caw! Ca-caw!

"Tyler starts with 'T', teh, teh, teh." Poor kid had to learn that on his own cuz I sure didn't teach him! 

Nov 9
Christy cried so I went and checked on her. Tyler asked if I was going to "save her life of her."

Tell me why Tyler was put to bed 20 minutes ago and I just heard the recorder being played.

He still calls his forehead his "headbutt". Thanks grandpa.

 16- T: Dad, do you want to play a fun game?
       Jeff: Sure.
       T: Ok, how about we throw a ball at somebody's head and run away?
       Jeff: (Laughs). No.
       T: Aww, but I like that game. It is fun.

Tyler, Kai, and Kel just doorbell ditched me. They seem a little young to be doing that.

Tyler is taking a bath and I just walked into the room. He is lying down on his back with half an Easter egg over his private parts.
I was singing a song from Pitch Perfect and Tyler said, "First of all, that is only a boy song." I told him I could sing it to and he said, "Then I will spit my mac and cheese on you." So rude! As I type this he is singing "What's Love Got To Do With It." Pretty sure that is a girl song! I just turned around and saw he put a noodle up his nose. I wonder if that noodle was the one he planned on spitting on me. He just took it out of his nose and popped it in his mouth. Kid's got problems!

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