Friday, January 13, 2012

Hanging with 4 year olds is...

Definitely interesting. You hear things like...

- "No master please!", "I beg you master..." or really anyway he can work in "master" into a sentence.    (Mason). A little much on the tv? I think so.
- Mason to Emma, "You dare call me coward!" Emma, "Coward? Who is Coward?" She thinks that's a person.
- "Grandma, what are you going to buy at JoAnne's today? Rabies?" (Emma). Apparently a little too much House on the Prairie for her.
- "Bless me" (Mason after he sneezes).
-"Hey Asa you always don't get fat." (Mason to me). Thanks I think?
-Mason's excuse not to take a shower? "I'll miss my shirt I'm wearing." Good enough for me, we didn't battle.
-Emma read me Dr. Suesse's "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" only hers was about "There's a Grinch in my Pants."
-Mason and I made brownies. He was very excited, he said, "Now I know how to make brownies by myself! I just need you to do it for me again." Not sure I'm convinced you know how to do it then buddy.
-I told Emma she could use my phone once it recharged all the way (from red to green). She keeps checking it. She said, "I will be so happy if it is green." Sadly, it was still red.
-I was making phone calls today. I saw Mason covering his ears as I said, "Annalisa." Finally he said, "Stop saying that!" I said, "What? Annalisa?" He said, "Ya.It freak me out!" 
- After telling the kids to brush their teeth I have to not only check their teeth but smell their breath too to make sure toothpaste was actually used. 
-I am not sure if the kids will ever understand... Flush the toilet, and wash your hands... WITH soap. Example of our convo after they exit the bathroom:
Me: Did you flush the toilet?
Kids: Oh. (Run back in and do it).
Me: Did you wash your hands? 
Kids: Oh. (Run back in and do it). 
Me: Did you wash your hands with soap?
Kids: Oh. (Run back in and do it). 
Now I just say as they go into the bathroom: Flush the toilet and wash your hands WITH soap, which still only  has about a 50% success rate.
  Well, that's all for now. 
Oh ya, not to mention, letting 2 four year olds sleep with you is possibly one of the worst decisions you could make.

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