Thursday, August 27, 2015

Zip Lining Excursion

I am not going to post much to describe our lip lining excursion because I did so in a book I made. But here are the pictures from it. 

The jeep ride up reminded me of the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. 

The mules were jockeying for position. It was so crazy and tons of fun! A bit scary though. 

Receiving zip lining instructions. 

Repelling was pretty scary. 

Gotta love my double chin in this picture. Would have be an awesome picture otherwise :(

Water was freezing cold! 

The guide told me to put my arm out so I wouldn't hit Jeff's head while going down the slide. 

This water slide was a little bit more calm- we had to use hockey masks and elbow pads for the first one! 

I was so scared the board wouldn't hold our weight and would break off- hence the face and terrible posture.

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