Monday, August 28, 2017

Christy Girl Months 6-8

Christy girl is still our little sweetheart! Over the past two months she has really learned a lot of new skills and it has been fun to watch her do so. Some of the things she can do are:

Give kisses: These are hit and miss depending on how she feels at the moment you ask for her a kiss. If she is feeling generous, she will willingly oblige in an open mouth kiss, after which, she is very pleased with herself for doing so. If she is not willing, she will swat your face away. A few times she has pulled my face and Jeff's face towards her so she can give us kisses. I love it when she does that. Because Ana has turned her into more of a cuddly baby, when I rock her, sometimes she'll suddenly pull her head off my shoulder, give me a kiss, and then rest her head back down on my shoulder. She will do this a couple times in a row when does does it. I love this too! 

Cough: For the past few weeks she has been using coughing as a way to interact with people. If she wants your attention then she will cough for you to look at her. And, if you cough back at her, she will do it too. She loves doing this and smiles and laughs when you cough back at her.

Crawl: She started doing the army crawl/drag at six months and really began to crawl about two weeks after that. That was in July. In the middle of July we went to Tahoe so she didn't get a chance to crawl for a whole week. But, once she got back, it was like she wanted to make up for lost time. She crawled faster than before and began pulling herself up and standing. Almost immediately after she began standing she would try to let go and stand on her own. She was able to do it for two to three seconds for few weeks and can now do it (not consistently) can do it for about ten seconds. At this rate, it looks like we could have another early walker on our hands. 

Gets into things: She loves outlet sockets, the tv and it's cords, but her very favorite is the dishwasher. I air dry my dishes so the dish washer is often left open. She loves to go to it and pull out all the dishes and silverware she can reach. And, if she can't reach something, she is more than willing to climb onto the dishwasher to get it.

Cry: She still cries when anyone leaves the room, even if she is sitting on someone's lap! This is hard for me. It makes it difficult to get things done. Jeff said one time he had her out in the foyer as another ward was coming in and when people would open the church doors she would smile and get very happy to see them, but as soon as they went into the chapel, she cried. We thought once she crawled she would be able to get where she wanted and be happy, instead she just follows you around the house crying if she is upset you left her.
A few other things:
-She is still very smiley and loves her big brother.
-She says, "mmmm" for mom and says "dad" but I don't know if she associates it with Jeff or not. She sure does love when he comes home from work though. She gets a huge smile, laughs, flaps her arms, and bounces up and down.
 -She has started to eat more "big people food" as we tell Tyler. She isn't super good with holding her own sippy cup yet, but loves to drink water out of a cup.
-She hates going into her carseat.
-She has definitely regressed with sleep due to all our summer traveling. But, I have been sleep training her for a few days and it has gone decent so far. She has cried for two hours each night, but it hasn't been screaming, so I can handle it. If it was screaming, I would cave.
-She loves to swim and loves the bath.
-And, she continues to make everyone fall in love with her that she comes in contact with!

We love you our Christy girl!  

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