Friday, January 28, 2011

Life in Philly

 Here's what we've been up to:

A little chaotic when we first got here.

Before our first trip to the store...

After we went to the store.
Our first dinner.  Jeff's such a great cook.

Our first sightseeing trip was to decide whether Pat or Geno's was the better cheesesteak. My answer was neither and I don't remember Jeff's. 

Deer in the side of our apartment complex window.

Mouse trap for Stuart

A little snow

Just trying to go to school.  Jeff was out cleaning the snow off for 40 minutes.  We were saved by a friendly neighbor who shoveled us out.

Brooms don't work as well as shovels to clean off the snow.

I promise, it wasn't me!

Apparently we weren't being robbed. It really was a fire fighter. Who knew?

First batch of cookies. Note to self: do not substitute butter with vegetable spread.

 That's all for now!


  1. These are AWESOME!!! I love the before and after fridge pix and I still laugh out loud (for real, not even LOL) when I think about the fireman and the axe. I wonder what kind of stories he has to tell about that day.

  2. Glad you are blogging. My blog is if you like to follow blogs. I like that you have documented your first few months in Philly so well!
