Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Potty Training

Potty Training

Tyler is finally potty trained! The poor kid has wanted to potty train since right before he turned two. He would take off his diaper and go to the bathroom on the toilet. I didn't want to potty train him until after all our summer trips so I didn't encourage it. I planned to start on it in the fall but got intimidated by all the potty training ways my friends were trying and didn't try. Then Christy came, and then we moved. So, I didn't try it until a few weeks ago and he has done great! He has only had a few wetting accidents when he is out playing. I actually haven't had to do anything really for him. I mean he has been messing around with potty training and underwear on and off since he first tried a year and a half ago, but I was never fully committed to it until recently. And then when I was, he just sort of did it. It feels weird to say he is potty trained because there wasn't this huge start or finish or crazy process, but he only wears diapers to sleep so I guess I would consider him done? 

Side note: I guess I have used treats as an incentive on and off, but not very consistently. The first day he went potty in the Spring of 2016 I used fruit snacks. He went to the bathroom so many times that day until we ran out of them. Then he would just go without the reward of fruit snacks but told me we needed to get some more the next time we went to the store.  

I have never wanted to be a parent that has to wipe after their kid goes potty so I make Tyler wipe himself.  The only problem is he uses too much toilet paper and has flooded the toilet. So now I make him show me how much toilet paper he is going to use. I also had to make him show me he actually went because sometimes he would lie just to use toilet paper and flush the toilet. One time when I was nursing Christy, Tyler called in Jeff to help him out. I heard Jeff say, "No that's gross, I don't want to see it." Later on I explained to Jeff why I made Tyler prove to me he went potty before he could flush toilet. Then the next time Tyler went to the bathroom and I came to check on him and confirm he went so he could flush he said, "No you can't see! It's gross." 

July 25- Doing potty training today. After Tyler went to the bathroom I told him he could get one jelly bean. He was very upset and said he needed more because he did "three pee pees and two toots." He wanted a jelly bean for each (He thinks the three potty categories are pee, poop, and toots). Now he is describing and discussing each piece of potty. He asked about what was in his tummy and I told him about the digestive process. He said, "Wow, that's pretty cool."  Then while still on the toilet he started sucking his tummy in and out so his little "private practice" would move up and down. He said he said he liked moving it. Doing that made a few little drops come out and he called them rain drops. He also said he had "toot drops." 

Tyler was taking a bath when he told me there was an emergency and I had to come look. He had wet in the bathtub.  Glad it was just a wetting emergency!

July 27- Tyler tried a new excuse not to finish his breakfast this morning. He told me he couldn't eat it because it would go in his tummy and make him have to go poo poo and he didn't want to get his underwear dirty. Maybe I shouldn't have explained the digestive process to him. I made him finish his breakfast anyway. 

Aug 11- I have talked to Tyler about not letting people see or touch his private parts. Today he said he didn't want me changing his diaper because I would see him naked. When I finally did get his diaper off he wouldn't stop shaking his buns and singing "Shake your booty." I thought he was concerned with me seeing him naked and now he is dancing around naked? 

If I accidentally touch him while changing his diaper he says, "Hey! You're not supposed to touch my private parts!" Same thing if Christy accidentally touches his diaper.

Aug 19- I made the mistake of letting Tyler go potty outside on the grass because the kitchen floor was wet and I didn't want him coming in. He was excited to do this because his new friend Trevor did this while playing at the park a few weeks ago. Now he wants to go outside to go to the bathroom all the time, even when he is inside.

Also, Tyler has a permanent wedgie since he puts his underwear on backwards. He won't listen to me. He thinks the big picture is supposed to go on the front so he can see it.

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