I have been eating junk food like crazy for the past few weeks, which is disappointing because I feel like I have worked hard this pregnancy to have more self control over what I eat. Last time I had no self control and the pounds just kept piling on. I gained 55-60 pounds! Not that I have 100% control over my weight gain, but it is nice to feel some what in control. This time around I have been more mindful of what I have been eating, drinking more water, and exercising. I think that has helped me stay on the smaller side this time. I also think starting out a pregnancy during the summer was easier on me because I was active from the get go. And of course, Tyler keeps me actively chasing him around as well.
I am only 15 days till my due date, which makes me nervous. I am scared to move because I am afraid it is going to put me into labor! The thought of another child is overwhelming to me. Last time I was ten days over due with Tyler and I was happy to be so, labor is scary! My doctor will let me go over this time and I am grateful for that. I am hoping for a January birth and Jeff wants a December one. Ultimately neither of us can control the date, but it is fun to think about who will get what they want. Still no spelling on the name yet. I suggested if she comes in December Jeff gets his spelling and if she comes in January then I get my way. We'll see :)
Tyler is loving the snow. It hasn't snowed very much so far (thank goodness) but the few times it has, Tyler has thought it was magical. Actually, I should clarify, he likes snow that has already fallen, he does not like when it is snowing and snow actually falls on him. He keeps talking about wanting to build a snowman "with arms and a hat." There hasn't been enough snow yet, but eventually we will build him one. He loves wearing his"winter hat and gloves" which is nice because they keep him warm when he is outside. But, they also take forever, more specifically the gloves, for him to put on so I have to add a few extra minutes to get out the door.
Tyler is also very excited for Christmas. It has been fun to see! I do not know how, but right away after we started talking about Christmas he started talking about Santa bringing him presents. He is very excited to leave cookies, milk, and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer. I told him that he would see Santa on Saturday (the ward party) and he said that we needed to bring the cookies, milk, and carrots. I told him Santa comes twice, once at the party and once when Tyler is sleeping. For the first three days we had our tree out he kept asking multiple times a day if Santa was coming that night. I was about ready to put the tree away till the 24th! He still LOVES Christmas lights. Last year he would say, "Christmas light, awesome!" I guess I have been a little overboard though with pointing out lights while we drive because tonight after I said, "Look, do you see the lights", he said, "Stop saying that to me."
It is hard to balance out the "fun" of Santa and the spiritual aspect of Christ's birth. I have been trying to figure that out. It is hard to find the balance for myself and now when teaching Tyler. I think the Nativity scene has been helping. At first he called it "Old McDonald's Farm" but now calls it the manger and talks about Jesus and other parts of the scene. We went to Temple Square and he enjoyed the different nativities. That was a few weeks ago and he still talks about them actually. I am not opposed to some of the commercialism of Christmas, because in fact, tangible things like decorations and gifts help me get into the Christmas spirit. And, I guess Tyler likes the commercialism too because he keeps asking to "put up more decorations." But each year I always make a goal to make "this Christmas more Christ centered" yet somehow it passes by just the same. Maybe it isn't too late for me yet this year.
Jeff has been job hunting like crazy lately. The ups and downs of it all has been hard for me. Just when I wrap my mind around one job and area, other opportunities pop up as well and we are back at the drawing board, trying to figure out the best thing for our family. I am grateful to know that wherever we go we will have a decent paying job, have the church, hopefully be closer to family, and I will be able to make friends. I am grateful of my natural ability to connect with people and my genuinely happy nature. I think that goes a long way. I am sad to be leaving my dear friends here. We have moved every two years since we got married 6.5 years ago. It is hard to make good friends and then leave them. It does help knowing in the beginning that my friendships will be short lived, but this time I think it will be even harder due to the fact that I am a stay at home mom, my friendships have come to a deeper level. I am grateful for technology that helps me stay connected to my friends all over.
I had a super up and down day last week when my grandma came to my rescue, it was wonderful. I am so grateful to and for her. The last "down" of my day was when I learned my external hard-drive would cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to fix. My hard-drive has been the sole storage of my pictures the last five years. I was distraught at the idea of losing them but did not have the money to fix the hard drive. My mom told my grandma of my problem and my grandma texted me she would pay to get the hard drive fixed, no matter the price. I cried when I read her text and again later when I told Jeff about her offer. I am grateful to her and my mom for actively seeking to help me (my mom and grandma had talked prior about ways my grandma could help me if there was ever a time).
While Tyler is such a fun and silly boy, he has also been hard for me. After talking to some people and going to a parenting conference, I have realized that my expectations are a little too high and that I am hard on him and myself. I am hoping to try to work on this. I will say, however, we did get a lock for his door and it has been GLORIOUS! I felt like I was parenting out of anger all the time and hated it. The lock has changed that. I wish I had done it sooner!
With that being said, of course, I have to share some "Tyler-isms"! I hope to be able to do this for all of my children but know it will get harder to find the time to do so. I guess for now, Tyler should just be happy he is the first child and his childhood is documented so well (a little too well I know).
Slippies = slippers
Old McDonald = McDonald's
Mushroom = mustache
Starburts = Star Wars
Stockington = Christmas stocking
*Poor kid wants to be potty trained so bad! He asks to go potty and asks to wear underwear. He will often take his diaper off and go to the bathroom. I had every intention of doing it post Summer trips but never did. I am a bad parent, I know.
* He did not want to listen to my music anymore so he told me I needed to turn it off because it "had bad words in it." First of all, no it did not. Second, how does he even know what "bad words" are?
* He hates having his hair washed. Prior to the lock on his door, in an attempt to be less angry, I got a spray bottle to spray his face with as punishment. Turns out he LOVED it and thought it was hilarious. Now it is his toy and he sprays himself all the time.
*He came up to me with a glass of water and said, "It's not coffee anymore, it's just water." I think this was due to our discussion about how we don't drink coffee.
*He keeps talking about his "presentations". Any clue what Jeff has been doing at school lately?
*Ally told Tyler that she loved him and he replied, "No don't say 'I love you' because I a boy.'"
* Poor Tyler, the temperature has been in the single digits the last two days, including tonight when I noticed his whole right pant leg and shoe was wet. I asked him if he spilled water and he said no. Then I realized it was pee. I put his diaper on wrong and he peed all over himself! That is the third time it has happened! Poor baby. When will I ever learn?! Maybe that is why he has been wanting to be potty trained so badly!
*I asked him if he went potty and he replied, "Stop asking me! I running away!" Thanks Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer movie. After watching that movie he also decided he was the "bad frosty the snowman" aka the Abominable Snowman.
*We watched "Beauty and the Beast" for family movie night. He said he is the beast because the beast is mean. Why my kid can't desire to be the good guy I will never know. At least when he said he prayers later that night he said, "Thank you the man isn't the beast anymore." Actually, he calls the beast the "beat."
* I told Tyler that at the end of his TV show we would be turning the TV off. I was in my room sorting laundry when I heard the closing credits to the show he was watching. All of a sudden he came and quickly shut my door, thinking if I didn't hear the closing credits then I wouldn't turn off the TV. I came out and asked him why he shut my door and he said, "Because I watching a kid show."
*Tyler hurt his lip and insisted on a band-aid. He put it across his lips, covering his whole mouth. He took off because I could get a picture of how ridiculous it looked. After a few minutes he realized wearing a band-aid across his mouth was not very comfortable so he pulled it off. He was very offended when he discovered how much pulling the band-aid off hurt his mouth.
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